Ohio Issue 1 ‘scam’ that will ‘rig elections,’ a ‘Democrat takeover of legislative redistricting’: Trump
Forty-fifth President Donald J. Trump – also the Republican nominee to be next commander-in-chief – issued a warning on Ohio Issue 1 Saturday.
Read More2024 Election: Ohio Farm Bureau Issue 1 FAQ
With the current Issue 1 proposal on the ballot in November, Ohio Farm Bureau has studied the issue compared to our member-created policy and decided to officially oppose Issue 1.
Read MoreElection 2024: Ohio Chamber of Commerce opposes Issue 1 redistricting measure
The Ohio Chamber of Commerce called Ohio’s current redistricting model “flawed” but still opposes Issue 1, a proposal on the ballot to remove politicians from drawing congressional and statehouse districts.
Read MoreOhio Manufacturers’ Association Opposes Issue 1
In a recent release, the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association (OMA) voiced their opposition to Issue 1. Read their full release below. For Immediate Release: NO ON ISSUE 1: Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Urges Ohioans to Oppose Proposed…
Read MoreDon’t be bamboozled. Issue 1 is profoundly anti-democratic and elitist
New Albany resident Philip Derrow is a retired business owner. He was a two-term member of the New Albany-Plain Local Board of Education. He is a frequent Columbus Dispatch contributor.
Read MoreMedia keeps flipping LaRose off. Issue 1 a con to enshrine gerrymandering in constitution.
Make no mistake, this is not citizens vs. politicians. This is politicians, essentially from one party, seeking to con citizens into enshrining gerrymandering into the Ohio Constitution.
Read MoreNo On Issue 1 Release
Democrats will do anything to win. Issue 1 is yet another example.
Watch the video and keep Ohio's Constitution safe.
Ballot Board Sets Clear Language Exposing Progressive Power Grab This Fall
Friday afternoon, the board voted on clear language for the November ballot, and the special interests backing this progressive power grab lost their minds. Secretary of State Frank LaRose and Senator Theresa Gavarone serve on the Ballot Board and deliver the facts about the ballot language on the President's Podcast.
Can’t Play by the Rules
When they can’t win, Democrats change the rules.
Democrats are spending BIG to rig Ohio’s elections. Vote NO on Issue 1.